This project extends MIT Kerberos with the capability to dynamically load Heimdal database (HDB) backends. The intent is twofold:
- allow applications with complex HDB backends, such as Samba4, to use the MIT KDC without porting to KDB
- allow kdb5_util to dump a Heimdal database for migration to a native MIT KDB backend
Additionally, a customer may choose to run the MIT KDC with a Heimdal backend as an interim measure to test compatibility before a full migration. Using, for example, Heimdal's LDAP backend it would be possible for a realm to contain mixed KDCs sharing the same data.
A new KDB database plugin, HDB, acts as a bridge between KDB and HDB. Upon instantiation, in dynamically loads Heimdal's HDB library and maps KDB methods to their HDB equivalents. Whilst there is write support, it is anticipated this will typically be used in a read-only environment, as the two information models do not completely map.
The bridge also has the ability to bridge policy checking and authorization data signing methods to Heimdal's windc plugin SPI.
A new module should be defined in the [dbmodules] section of krb5.conf:
HDB = { db_library = hdb heimdal_libdir = /usr/local/heimdal/lib }
heimdal_libdir should refer to the directory in which Heimdal's and can be found (and, further, any windc plugins if present). A further option, heimdal_dbname, specifies the HDB database backend and/or database name to load. If this option is absent, the default backend is loaded. Once this is defined, it can be referred to the [realms] section, for example:
HEIMDAL.EXAMPLE.ORG = { kdc = foo admin_server = foo database_module = HDB }
Code is in plugins/kdb/hdb. Because the bridge needs to dynamically load Heimdal libraries anyway, there is no support for building the bridge statically. The platform needs to support RTLD_LOCAL (or equivalent), otherwise there will be symbol conflicts between the two Kerberos implementations.
One interesting issue is support for master keys. Both Kerberos implementations are similar conceptually, however the interface for reading master keys is not exposed by libhdb and the encryption algorithms differ. This has the following implications:
- the dbekd_decrypt_key_data and dbekd_encrypt_key_data implementations by default forward to hdb_unseal_key and hdb_seal_key, respectively
- methods to return a master key return an empty key with ENCTYPE_UNKNOWN, on the presumption this is preferable to poking inside internal Heimdal data structures
- when dumping a Heimdal database with kdb5_util, the -mkey_convert option must be specified; without this the resulting output is useless
- as a special case to support the above, when the dbekd_encrypt_key_data method is called with a non-ENCTYPE_UNKNOWN master key, the default MIT implementation is used
The original HDB entry is stored in the e_data field of the KDB entry, to enable methods that further interact with Heimdal APIs to use the original entry. (For example, the SIGN_AUTH_DATA KDB method will pass the original HDB entry to the windc plugin.)
The HDB bridge does not implement all DAL methods (for example, the policy inquiry ones). For those that do not have default implementations provided by libkdb, the dispatch code has been modified to return KRB5_KDB_DBTYPE_NOSUP if a method is unimplemented. (In some cases, such as iteration methods, 0 is returned instead to indicate no results.)
Some minor changes to the KDC were necessary to accommodate information model differences.
- the windc client_access() method can return e_data which must be propagated to the client; thus, the policy checking methods were enhanced to support this
- when signing the PAC, it is preferable to have access to the TGS key rather than fetching it again; hence, this is added to SIGN_AUTH_DATA
- for HDB principals, max_life is optional, so the KDC logic now mirrors Heimdal by ignoring zero values of max_life:
get_ticket_endtime() { if (till == 0) till ::= INFINITY until ::= min(till, tgt_endtime) life ::= (until < starttime) ? 0 : until - starttime if (client.max_life != 0) life ::= min(life, client.max_life) if (server.max_life != 0) life ::= min(life, server.max_life) if (max_life_for_realm != 0) life ::= min(life, max_life_for_realm) if (starttime > INFINITY - life) endtime ::= INFINITY else endtime ::= starttime + life }
(Note I also took this opportunity to attempt to correct some potential underflow and overflow issues. Review of this would be appreciated.)
HDB extensions roughly map to TL data, although we only support the intersection of both sets. Presently this amounts to the modification time and the constrained delegation ACL (which is checked against the original HDB entry).
The marshalling of HDB extensions is dispatched via kh_hdb_extension_vtable, so adding support for new extensions is easy: simply add a marshal and unmarshal callback with the following signatures:
typedef krb5_error_code (*kh_hdb_marshal_extension_fn)(krb5_context, const krb5_db_entry *, HDB_extension *); typedef krb5_error_code (*kh_hdb_unmarshal_extension_fn)(krb5_context, HDB_extension *, krb5_db_entry *);
In addition to HDB, Heimdal supports a "windc" plugin that implements methods for MS PAC generation, signing, as well as AS-REQ authorization. We could have wrapped the former inside an authdata plugin, but in order to support the latter, all methods are in the HDB bridge. The windc shim is loaded only when the backend is opened with KRB5_KDB_SRV_TYPE_KDC usage.
A windc plugin exposes the following methods:
- pac_generate
- pac_verify
- client_access
The first two are handled by the SIGN_AUTH_DATA KDB invoke method; the latter by CHECK_POLICY_AS.
Simplified pseudo-code follows (refer to the actual code for details, as there are some special cases to deal with constrained delegation, retrieving the correct TGS key, the inbuilt vs. the windc plugin's pac_verify functions, etc).
sign_auth_data() { if (!is_as_req) pac ::= find existing authdata from TGT if ((is_as_req && (flags & INCLUDE_PAC)) || (pac == null && client != null)) { pac ::= pac_generate() } else { pac_verify(pac) } pac_sign(pac) encode_authdata_container(pac) }
Simplified pseudo-code follows. The bulk of the actual implementation is concerned with marshalling MIT to Heimdal data structures.
check_policy_as() { client_access() }
Strictly, this method is not related to the windc plugin; it is implemented by referring to the constrained delegation ACL HDB extension. However, as constrained delegation is presently only useful in a Windows environment, it is included in this section. Simplified pseudo-code follows:
check_allowed_to_delegate { foreach extension in extension_data.allowed_to_delegate_to { if (proxy == extension.principal) { return 0 } } return KDC_ERR_POLICY }
Open issues
- When marshalling the KDC_REQ to pass to the windc client_access method, the following fields are not marshalled: padata, enc_authorization_data and additional_tickets.
- A future direction might be to implement an SPI based on draft-ietf-krb-wg-kdc-model, and glue that to both KDB and HDB.
- Heimdal and MIT have different concepts of policy: Heimdal uses a template principal, whereas MIT has more advanced policy support. No attempt is made to reconcile these.
Code is in the users/lhoward/heimmig branch. Presently I have only tested with the HDB flat file backend: further testing will require the Samba4 team to submit a dynamic build of their Heimdal implementation. However, I have successfully used this to migrate a HDB realm to MIT, which was the initial goal of this project.
Here's an example of creating a principal using MIT kadmin:
kadmin.local: ank sbuckley WARNING: no policy specified for sbuckley@HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM; defaulting to no policy Enter password for principal "sbuckley@HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM": Re-enter password for principal "sbuckley@HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM": Principal "sbuckley@HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM" created. kadmin.local: getprinc sbuckley Principal: sbuckley@HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM Expiration date: [never] Last password change: Mon Oct 19 11:18:46 EDT 2009 Password expiration date: [none] Maximum ticket life: 1 day 00:00:00 Maximum renewable life: 0 days 00:00:00 Last modified: Mon Oct 19 11:18:46 EDT 2009 (lukeh/admin@HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM) Last successful authentication: [never] Last failed authentication: [never] Failed password attempts: 0 Number of keys: 4 Key: vno 1, AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC, Version 5 Key: vno 1, AES-128 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC, Version 5 Key: vno 1, Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1, Version 5 Key: vno 1, ArcFour with HMAC/md5, Version 5 MKey: vno 1 Attributes: Policy: [none]
and reading it back using Heimdal's:
kadmin> get sbuckley Principal: sbuckley@HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM Principal expires: never Password expires: never Last password change: 2009-10-19 15:18:46 UTC Max ticket life: 1 day Max renewable life: unlimited Kvno: 1 Mkvno: 0 Last successful login: never Last failed login: never Failed login count: 0 Last modified: 2009-10-19 15:18:46 UTC Modifier: lukeh/admin@HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM Attributes: Keytypes: aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96(pw-salt), aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96(pw-salt), des3-cbc-sha1(pw-salt), arcfour-hmac-md5(pw-salt) PK-INIT ACL: Aliases:
To test migration, first configure the bridge (see Configuration above), and then do, replacing the realm as appropriate:
sh-3.2# /usr/local/sbin/kdb5_util -r HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM -mkey_convert dump /tmp/heimdal.dump Please enter new master key.... Enter KDC database master key: Re-enter KDC database master key to verify:
Then, remove the "database_module = HDB" line from the realm stanza and load back with the default MIT format:
sh-3.2# /usr/local/sbin/kdb5_util -r HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM create Loading random data Initializing database '/usr/local/var/krb5kdc/principal' for realm 'HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM', master key name 'K/M@HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM' You will be prompted for the database Master Password. It is important that you NOT FORGET this password. Enter KDC database master key: Re-enter KDC database master key to verify: sh-3.2# /usr/local/sbin/kdb5_util -r HEIMDAL.DE.PADL.COM load /tmp/heimdal.dump
Be sure to use the same master key in both cases.
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- Ghudson 15:47, 26 October 2009 (UTC)